
This section contains detailed information about Kedro project configuration, which you can use to store settings for your project such as parameters, credentials, the data catalog, and logging information.

Kedro makes use of a configuration loader to load any project configuration files, and the available configuration loader classes are:


ConfigLoader and TemplatedConfigLoader have been deprecated since Kedro 0.18.12 and will be removed in Kedro 0.19.0. Refer to the migration guide for config loaders for instructions on how to update your code base to use OmegaConfigLoader.

By default, Kedro uses the ConfigLoader. However, in projects created with Kedro 0.18.13 onwards, OmegaConfigLoader has been set as the config loader as the default in the project’s src/<package_name>/ file. You can select which config loader you want to use in your project by modifying the src/<package_name>/ like this:

from kedro.config import OmegaConfigLoader


The following sections and examples are valid for both, the ConfigLoader and the OmegaConfigLoader. The advanced configuration documentation covers use of the TemplatedConfigLoader and the advanced use cases of the OmegaConfigLoader in more detail.

Configuration source

The configuration source folder is conf by default. We recommend that you keep all configuration files in the default conf folder of a Kedro project.

Configuration environments

A configuration environment is a way of organising your configuration settings for different stages of your data pipeline. For example, you might have different settings for development, testing, and production environments.

By default, Kedro has a base and a local environment.


In Kedro, the base configuration environment refers to the default configuration settings that are used as the foundation for all other configuration environments.

The base folder contains the default settings that are used across your pipelines, unless they are overridden by a specific environment.


Do not put private access credentials in the base configuration folder or any other configuration environment folder that is stored in version control.


The local configuration environment folder should be used for configuration that is either user-specific (e.g. IDE configuration) or protected (e.g. security keys).


Do not add any local configuration to version control.

Configuration loading

Kedro-specific configuration (e.g., DataCatalog configuration for I/O) is loaded using a configuration loader class, by default, this is ConfigLoader for projects created with Kedro 0.18.13 or older and has been set to OmegaConfigLoader for projects created with Kedro 0.18.13 onwards. When you interact with Kedro through the command line, e.g. by running kedro run, Kedro loads all project configuration in the configuration source through this configuration loader.

The loader recursively scans for configuration files inside the conf folder, firstly in conf/base (base being the default environment) and then in conf/local (local being the designated overriding environment).

Kedro merges configuration information and returns a configuration dictionary according to the following rules:

  • If any two configuration files located inside the same environment path (such as conf/base/) contain the same top-level key, the configuration loader raises a ValueError indicating that duplicates are not allowed.

  • If two configuration files contain the same top-level key but are in different environment paths (for example, one in conf/base/, another in conf/local/) then the last loaded path (conf/local/) takes precedence as the key value. ConfigLoader.get does not raise any errors but a DEBUG level log message is emitted with information on the overridden keys.

When using any of the configuration loaders, any top-level keys that start with _ are considered hidden (or reserved) and are ignored. Those keys will neither trigger a key duplication error nor appear in the resulting configuration dictionary. However, you can still use such keys, for example, as YAML anchors and aliases or to enable templating in the catalog when using the OmegaConfigLoader.

Configuration file names

Configuration files will be matched according to file name and type rules. Suppose the config loader needs to fetch the catalog configuration, it will search according to the following rules:

  • Either of the following is true:

    • filename starts with catalog

    • file is located in a subfolder whose name is prefixed with catalog

  • And file extension is one of the following:

    • yaml, yml, json, ini, pickle, xml or properties for the ConfigLoader and TemplatedConfigLoader

    • yaml, yml, or json for the OmegaConfigLoader

Configuration patterns

Under the hood, the Kedro configuration loader loads files based on regex patterns that specify the naming convention for configuration files. These patterns are specified by config_patterns in the configuration loader classes.

By default, those patterns are set as follows for the configuration of catalog, parameters, logging, credentials:

config_patterns = {
    "catalog": ["catalog*", "catalog*/**", "**/catalog*"],
    "parameters": ["parameters*", "parameters*/**", "**/parameters*"],
    "credentials": ["credentials*", "credentials*/**", "**/credentials*"],
    "logging": ["logging*", "logging*/**", "**/logging*"],

If you want to change the way configuration is loaded, you can either customise the config patterns or bypass the configuration loading as described in the advanced configuration chapter.

How to use Kedro configuration

This section contains a set of guidance for the most common configuration requirements of standard Kedro projects:

How to change the setting for a configuration source folder

To store the Kedro project configuration in a different folder to conf, change the configuration source by setting the CONF_SOURCE variable in src/<package_name>/ as follows:

CONF_SOURCE = "new_conf"

How to change the configuration source folder at runtime

Specify a source folder for the configuration files at runtime using the kedro run CLI command with the --conf-source flag as follows:

kedro run --conf-source=<path-to-new-conf-folder>

How to read configuration from a compressed file

You can read configuration from a compressed file in tar.gz or zip format by using the OmegaConfigLoader.

How to reference a tar.gz file:

kedro run --conf-source=<path-to-compressed-file>.tar.gz

How to reference a zip file:

kedro run --conf-source=<path-to-compressed-file>.zip

To compress your configuration you can use Kedro’s kedro package command which builds the package into the dist/ folder of your project, and creates a .whl file, as well as a tar.gz file containing the project configuration. The compressed version of the config files excludes any files inside your local folder.

Alternatively you can run the command below to create a tar.gz file:

tar --exclude=local/*.yml -czf <my_conf_name>.tar.gz --directory=<path-to-conf-dir> <conf-dir>

Or the following command to create a zip file:

zip -x <conf-dir>/local/** -r <my_conf_name>.zip <conf-dir>

Note that for both the tar.gz and zip file the following structure is expected:

├── base               <-- the files inside may be different, but this is an example of a standard Kedro structure.
│   └── parameters.yml
│   └── catalog.yml
└── local              <-- the top level local folder is required, but no files should be inside when distributed.
└──          <-- optional but included with the default Kedro conf structure.

How to access configuration in code

To directly access configuration in code, for example to debug, you can do so as follows:

from kedro.config import OmegaConfigLoader
from kedro.framework.project import settings

# Instantiate a ConfigLoader with the location of your project configuration.
conf_path = str(project_path / settings.CONF_SOURCE)
conf_loader = OmegaConfigLoader(conf_source=conf_path)

# This line shows how to access the catalog configuration. You can access other configuration in the same way.
conf_catalog = conf_loader["catalog"]

How to specify additional configuration environments

In addition to the two built-in local and base configuration environments, you can create your own. Your project loads conf/base/ as the bottom-level configuration environment but allows you to overwrite it with any other environments that you create, such as conf/server/ or conf/test/. To use additional configuration environments, run the following command:

kedro run --env=<your-environment>

If no env option is specified, this will default to using the local environment to overwrite conf/base.

If you set the KEDRO_ENV environment variable to the name of your environment, Kedro will load that environment for your kedro run, kedro ipython, kedro jupyter notebook and kedro jupyter lab sessions:

export KEDRO_ENV=<your-environment>


If you both specify the KEDRO_ENV environment variable and provide the --env argument to a CLI command, the CLI argument takes precedence.

How to change the default overriding environment

By default, local is the overriding environment for base. To change the folder, customise the configuration loader argument settings in src/<package_name>/ and set the CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS key to have a new default_run_env value.

For example, if you want to override base with configuration in a custom environment called prod, you change the configuration loader arguments in as follows:

CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS = {"default_run_env": "prod"}

How to use only one configuration environment

If, for some reason, your project does not have any other environments apart from base, i.e. no local environment to default to, you must customise the configuration loader argument settings in src/<package_name>/ and set the CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS key to "default_run_env": "base"

CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS = {"default_run_env": "base"}