Code formatting and linting


Code formatting guidelines set a standard for the layout of your code, for stylistic elements such as use of line breaks and whitespace. Format doesn’t have any impact on how the code works, but using a consistent style makes your code more readable, and makes it more likely to be reused.

Linting tools check your code for errors such as a missing bracket or line indent. This can save time and frustration because you can catch errors in advance of running the code.

As a project grows and goes through various stages of development it becomes important to maintain code quality. Using a consistent format and linting your code ensures that it is consistent, readable, and easy to debug and maintain.

Set up Python tools

There are a variety of Python tools available to use with your Kedro projects. This guide shows you how to use black, ruff.

Install the tools

Install black and ruff by adding the following lines to your project’s src/requirements.txt file:

black # Used for formatting code
ruff # Used for linting, formatting and sorting module imports

To install all the project-specific dependencies, including the linting tools, navigate to the root directory of the project and run:

pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Alternatively, you can individually install the linting tools using the following shell commands:

pip install black ruff

Configure ruff

ruff read configurations from pyproject.toml within your project root. You can enable different rule sets within the [tool.ruff] section. For example, the rule set F is equivalent to Pyflakes.

To start with ruff, we recommend adding this section to enable a few basic rules sets.

select = [
    "F",  # Pyflakes
    "E",  # Pycodestyle
    "W",  # Pycodestyle
    "UP",  # pyupgrade
    "I",  # isort
    "PL", # Pylint
ignore = ["E501"]  # Black take care off line-too-long


It is a good practice to split your line when it is too long, so it can be read easily even in a small screen. ruff treats this slightly different from black, when using together we recommend to disable this rule, i.e. E501 to avoid conflicts.

Configure flake8

Store your flake8 configuration in a file named .flake8 within your project root. The Kedro default project template use the following configuration:


Run the tools

Use the following commands to run lint checks:

black --check <project_root>
isort --profile black --check <project_root>

You can also have black and isort automatically format your code by omitting the --check flag. Since isort and black both format your imports, adding --profile black to the isort run helps avoid potential conflicts.

Use the following to invoke flake8:

flake8 <project_root>

Automated formatting and linting with pre-commit hooks

You can automate the process of formatting and linting with pre-commit hooks. These hooks are run before committing your code to your repositories to automatically point out formatting issues, making code reviews easier and less time-consuming.

Install pre-commit

You can install pre-commit along with other dependencies by including it in the src/requirements.txt file of your Kedro project by adding the following line:


You can also install pre-commit using the following command:

pip install pre-commit

Add pre-commit configuration file

Create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml in your Kedro project root directory. You can add entries for the hooks you want to run before each commit. Below is a sample YAML file with entries for black,flake8, and isort:

  - repo:
    # Ruff version.
    rev: v0.0.270
      - id: ruff

  - repo:
    rev: 22.8.0
      - id: black
        language_version: python3.9

Install git hook scripts

Run the following command to complete installation:

pre-commit install

This enables pre-commit hooks to run automatically every time you execute git commit.