
Both pip install kedro and conda install -c conda-forge kedro install the core Kedro module, which includes the CLI tool, project template, pipeline abstraction, framework, and support for configuration.

When you create a project, you then introduce additional dependencies for the tasks it performs.

Project-specific dependencies

You can specify a project’s exact dependencies in the src/requirements.txt file to make it easier for you and others to run your project in the future, and to avoid version conflicts downstream. This can be achieved with the help of pip-tools. To install pip-tools in your virtual environment, run the following command:

pip install pip-tools

To add or remove dependencies to a project, edit the src/requirements.txt file, then run the following:

pip-compile <project_root>/src/requirements.txt --output-file <project_root>/src/requirements.lock

This will pip compile the requirements listed in the src/requirements.txt file into a src/requirements.lock that specifies a list of pinned project dependencies (those with a strict version). You can also use this command with additional CLI arguments such as --generate-hashes to use pip’s Hash Checking Mode or --upgrade-package to update specific packages to the latest or specific versions. Check out the pip-tools documentation for more information.


The src/requirements.txt file contains “source” requirements, while src/requirements.lock contains the compiled version of those and requires no manual updates.

To further update the project requirements, modify the src/requirements.txt file (not src/requirements.lock) and re-run the pip-compile command above.

Install project-specific dependencies

To install the project-specific dependencies, navigate to the root directory of the project and run:

pip install -r src/requirements.txt